Production and Marketing

The production sector is comprised of five sectors namely: Agriculture, Veterinary Services, Fisheries, Entomology as well as Trade and Industry. The department also ensures that appropriate institutional linkages are maintained with all relevant sector agencies; comprising mostly crop, livestock, fisheries, forestry and industrial research, marketing organisations, NGOs and CBOs engaged in agricultural activities

The term agriculture is used in a very broad sense to cover all the agricultural activities namely; crops, livestock, poultry, and fish farming.
Agriculture is the most common economic activity in the district. The majority of farmers are small holders who grow annual crops. The annuals include maize, rice, sweet potatoes, beans, cassava and groundnuts. The district also has commercial farmers growing various crops in large scale mainly owned by foreign investors.

Crop production
Both perennial and annual crops are grown in the district. The annual crops are mostly grown for home consumption. However there are large commercial farmer engaged in growing foods crops and fruits large scale for sale. These include Ametheon, delight e.t.c.

Livestock and Veterinary Services
Major livestock
Livestock is defined as all animals and birds kept or reared specifically for agricultural purposes including cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, poultry, rabbits and donkeys. Table 9.1 shows the major livestock in the district that include; cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, chicken, ducks and turkeys.

Fish farming is an activity in which farmers construct fishponds usually on their holding and introduce fish fries (young fish). Fish fries are commonly obtained from fish breeders like the Fisheries Research Institute (FRI) of the National Research Organization (NARO).
Nwoya district is not so much engaged in the fishing industry. However the local government is has seen it potential in this industry since the district is boarder with River Nile from the West and Southern part. Therefore the district is looking forward to construct landing site and open road to the site.
However the district lack the Fishery Officer.

Micro Irrigation