

The production sector is comprised of five sectors namely: Agriculture, Veterinary services, Fisheries, Entomology and Micro scale Irrigation. The department also ensures that appropriate institutional linkage is maintained with all relevant sector agencies compromising mostly crops, livestock, Fisheries, Forestry and Industrial research, marketing organization, NGOs and CBOs engaged in Agricultural sector.
The term Agriculture is used in a very broad sense to cover all the agricultural activities namely Crop, Livestock, Poultry and Fish Farming.


The department of Education is charged with over seeing the implementation of the district and national education policies and plans. It also monitors and evaluate performance of the education system and school operation to keep required standards within the district. The areas of focus includes; teachers, Pupils, school facilities and Parent.


Administrative Structure
Nwoya District has one Higher Local Government; Two Counties of Nwoya and Nwoya East, 11 lower local Government. Anaka Town Council, Purongo Town Council and Koch Goma Town Council are the urban centres in the district and there are eight sub-counties. there are 124 villages and 16 wards and 64 sub wards in the town councils.


The Works sector comprises of Roads and Technical Services and Rural Water and Sanitation. The sector further has to ensure proper quality and design, Construction, Inspection and Maintenance of all local administration building structures. The National Roads are developed and maintained by the Ministry of Works and Transport. The District Local Government maintains district roads while community access roads are the responsibility of the lower local government. This section presents selected statistics on work services delivery.


The department has a mandate to promote social protection and promotion of human rights as well as empowering this groups.
The community-based services department is one of the departments with major sectors and is composed of:
1. Probation, Youth, Children and social welfare
2. Gender, Culture and Community Development
3. Disability and Elderly
4. Labour and industrial relations


The planning unit is the coordinating center for district planning, budgeting and other related function. It is also the centre for data collection, categorization and analysis of relevant information for planning, decision making and other policy formulation. It consists of Planning, statistic, population, development planning, MIS, M&E and operational planning. The population sector focuses on the population and social economic characteristics of the district.


The department of Natural resources comprises of Natural resource, Lands, Forestry, Environment and Wetlands. It is charged with the responsibility of ensuring sustainable and productive utilization of natural resources for poverty reduction, enhanced economic growth and improved livelihood. The major causes of of deterioration in the quality and quantity of the natural resources base is associated with human activities


The department of health is headed by district health officer whose mandate is guided by district five year strategic plan that focuses on the achievement of equity through improved access to minimum health care package (MHCP), quality care, efficiency and transparency.